20 South Charles Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410.332.4121 o
410.347.3144 f

J. WYNDAL GORDON, ESQ. "The Warrior Lawyer!" was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Maryland where he has been a resident all of his life. Mr. Gordon attended Friendly H.S. in Fort Washington, Maryland and graduated from H.D. Woodson H.S. in Washington, D.C. in 1987. In 1991, Mr. Gordon graduated from Morgan State University, and in 1995, the University of Baltimore School of Law. He was licensed to practice law in the State of Maryland that same year. Mr. Gordon is also licensed to practice law in the United States District Court of Maryland, the United States District Court of Washington, D.C., and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia, and the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. He currently has seven (7) reported cases to his credit on both the State and Federal levels.
Mr. Gordon is a respected trial attorney and solo practitioner who represents individuals and small businesses in litigation matters throughout the State of Maryland, --and D.C. federal courts. Mr. Gordon has litigated high profile cases that have received local, regional, and national attention. In April 2006, Mr. Gordon accepted an appointment as lead stand-by counsel for the alleged "D.C. Sniper", John Allen Muhammad, in the case of Maryland v. John Allen Muhammad. For the last nine years he has been penning a book of the experience entitled "Jury of Our Fears".
Mr. Gordon has been a frequent guest legal commentator/contributor for cable news networks such as TruTv (formerly Court TV), CNN, and Headline News (HLN), and has also appeared on many local, national, and cable television programs broadcast nationwide. Mr. Gordon also makes regular guest appearances on WOLB 1010 AM, and intermittent appearances on WEAA 88.9 FM, and WHFS1580AM. He is a Past-President of the Monumental City Bar Association (MCBA) which is one of the oldest minority Bar Associations in the country founded in part by Hon. Thurgood Marshall in 1935. Mr. Gordon is also the creator and former host of MCBA’s Radio Show Power of Attorney which aired on WOLB 1010AM every Tuesday 2pm during his administration.
Mr. Gordon stays grounded by participating and lending his support to various local, regional, and national non-profit organizations that advance the causes of African Americans, children, and identified vulnerable populations. He served legal counsel for the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus providing legal representation to the organization which consists of 43 Maryland State Delegates and Senators. He also sits on the Board for the Mack Lewis Boxing Foundation, and sat on the board of Bluford Drew Jemison S.T.E.M. Academy for many years. In 2014, Gordon was appointed to represent the National Bar Association with members of the U.S. Congressional House Judiciary Committee to assist and participate on a new initiative undertaken by the Department of Justice to address mass incarceration of people of color and prison overpopulation.
Mr. Gordon is a recipient of the first annual "Leadership in Law Award" (2001), Black Law Student’s Association of the University Of Baltimore School Of Law "Distinguished Advocate Award" (2007), Maryland Bar Foundation "Professional Legal Excellence Award" (2008), first annual "James Baldwin Beacon of Justice for Civil Rights Award" (2011), National Bar Association’s "Small Firm/Solo Practitioner’s Service Award" (2011), Black Music Festival Contribution and Community Service Award (2011), National Bar Association Movers and Shakers Award (2014). Mr. Gordon has also received multiple citations from U.S. and State Senators, State Delegates, and City Councilpersons for his dedication to community service. He has also received numerous other certificates, awards, and accolades from schools, churches and other organizations vested in the community.
Mr. Gordon routinely accepts invitations to speak at schools, churches, law student symposiums, Bar conferences, and community organizations. In the last couple of years he has delivered graduation commencement addresses for the 2011 graduating class of Forest Park High School, and the 2012 graduating class of Coppin State Academy High School, 2014 graduating class of Bluford Drew Jamison S.T.E.M. Academy Middle School 2014 in Baltimore City, the 2014 graduating class of Benjamin Stoddert Middle School in Prince George’s County, and the 2015 graduating class of Bluford Drew Jamison S.T.E.M. Academy High School in Baltimore City.
In addition to being Past President of the Monumental City Bar Association, Mr. Gordon is also a member of the American Bar Association, National Bar Association, National Black Lawyers Top 100, Maryland State Bar Association, Maryland Association of Justice, J. Franklin Bourne Bar Association, Salome A. Howard Bar Association, Washington Bar Association, and National Association of Black Journalist.

20 South Charles Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410.332.4121 o
410.347.3144 f